Motivation to write the book

My story

I was being interviewed for a job by a potential boss-to-be and he was pressing me with questions about what I really want to achieve in my professional life. Nothing I said was ever accepted by him, he claimed he can't see my true ambition in that. Gradually, I was getting upset. Partly because I did not see how it related to the job, but also because I did not want to tell him. I did not yet have the confidence to tell a stranger what is on my mind for years and what I patiently pursue step by step, I felt it was too early to share.

At the time of the job interview I was already working through a long-time plan: to make myself heard. I learned how to create my personal brand, to claim speaking assignments and to improve the ability to articulate my thoughts. I came up with the plan during my 3 year long stay in the United States. Not only that I clearly saw importance of having & using your own voice, but I also witnessed that it is actually possible. It was a feeling I never had before. Till then, I mostly felt being silenced and asked to follow directions set by someone else, to adjust. So while staying in the US, I used the opportunity to observe leaders how to build and cultivate their influence for greater use.

Truth to be told, my brain is bothered by absence of logic or responsibility, especially when I believe that something can be done better way. My personality is rooted in values and beliefs and as such creates enough motivation to never stop trying. Well, and there are so many things around us that are wrong. Some of them we just learnt to ignore and live with it, some other massively impacts our lives. I started my professional career in change management, strategic thinking and inevitably converged to organizational transformation leadership.

I'm very passionate about my job because companies play big part in our lives. Working in teams provide us with space and resources to achieve our professional dreams and make us feel accomplished. But we are not always set up for success, in extreme cases it takes toll on our mental health due to burnout endured during our work assignments. Yet companies are led by us, people. How is then possible that we don’t do everything in our power to act in our best interests, to create value for society and care for consumers beyond the purchased product?

My mission is to help companies & people working there to change to make things better. To transform. To work in a way that the results and work environment is better for everyone. I see companies as complex systems driven by set of their inner rules, that can cause unwanted consequences despite being set with the best intentions. That’s why I decided to write a book based on my 20 years of experience in change, strategy and transformation. To provide first-hand stories to illustrate the point and introduce tools with practical tips you may need if you decide for similar professional purpose like me.

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